Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Gift Shop

The gift shop attached to the Ace Hardware store has fall and Halloween out. The gal at the shop said more Halloween is on the way.

I was afraid to ask how much is this moon with cat? Trying to behave myself.

The skeleton boys are on a spring they bobble nicely.

Mondays am I right?

The only thing I brought home was the tiny wings spread bat plate.


Laurie Brown said...

OMG that moon with cat is adorable!

Lady M said...

You were well behaved. They have some cute stuff.

BooSwain said...

Thanks (I think) for the photo of that fantastic 2018 Bethany Lowe witch figure. After some digging online I was able to find one even though there aren't many out there for sale. I may have to come out of retirement for a job so I can pay for it but I had to have it.

Old Fashion Halloween said...


Not only retired we are supposed to down size in the next 7-10 years! Looking at my purchases and things we are building for Halloween one would never know. We might need to have a Halloween prop sale in the next move.

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.