Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Black and Gold Halloween

This lovely Palmistry sign at Michaels caught my eye and then the black palmistry hand. Waited last year and a lot of things sold out. The 50% off sales start so early I decided not to wait. You can find coupons online. This skeleton plate at Joann goes well with the set.

Passed on this amazing snake candle box.  Tenpted to use s 50% off one item coupon only it is hard to tell how good the paint is on the snake. If anyone sees this in the store can you pretty please send me a photo?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Crate and Barrel Halloween

Crate and Barrel has a nice spooky vibe this year. I am in love with this little Skull incense burner. 


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Skeleton Toile

Williams-Sonoma has tea towels, napkins, and a table runner all in this fabulous fabric. A little disappointed they don't have a tablecloth in the line. I want to sew something to wear in this fabric. The tea towels have potential. If you have access to a store Williams-Sonoma is clearing out last years Halloween dishes at great prices. 
The treats this year like the pumpkins paws look really good. Stuck at home I will be craving caramel apples when the weather changes in the fall.  Trying to decide if the mess is worth it to make my own.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Drive in haunted house

A different kind of Haunted House in Tokyo that you experience in your car.  

I was entertained by the idea of ghosts and ghouls needing to hand sanitize. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Cabinet of Curiosities

One of my favorite purchases for my office. The cabinet of curiosities in progress. I inherited some of my great grandfathers dental tools. The best piece is a 1910 German wax dental model in poor shape. 

The plan is to stabilize the model since the eye ball hangs down with no wax to keep it in place. There are 2 more jaw sections that must have gone in an additional display. A pristine copy can be seen here. The label and map are missing from my display. It sat out in a garage in CA since 1960! 

The cabinet lingered in a shop for months. A second hand furniture store that we try to stop in for a look once a month. When the quarantine started the shop was closed. Payed for it over the phone and the shop even delivered it! A years quest for the right cabinet and it looks like it has always been in the room. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Magic Matches

 Chronicle books has a line of matches and they have a new box out. Spark Magic. This box would look great in my fortune tellers cabinet. 

This version in purple is at Target. The blue version at Modcloth shows the text on the matches. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Full moon Monday

So, it looks like Blogger went through some changes. Every time I click on a blog from my reading list it redirects me:

" The previous page is sending you to -insert the blogger page URL

 If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page."

Have no idea how to fix this problem yet. Requested help on the Blogger forum

Started this entry on Monday! It was a lovely sturgeon moon.

Normally, I would be out photographing all the Halloween goodies. Sadly, our household is immune compromised. We haven't been in any store since March! Love that you healthy people will be posting wonderful photos. On the plus side we are going to save a lot of money on Halloween goodies this year.

It is a weird mix of having the time to create new exterior Halloween decor and lacking the motivation. We have been working on house projects. The same decor as last year will go up with maybe a different look to the front porch. Sadly, we won't be handing out candy. That does open up the opportunity to decorate the 2 front staircases and cut off access to the porch and front door.

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.