Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Cabinet of Curiosities

One of my favorite purchases for my office. The cabinet of curiosities in progress. I inherited some of my great grandfathers dental tools. The best piece is a 1910 German wax dental model in poor shape. 

The plan is to stabilize the model since the eye ball hangs down with no wax to keep it in place. There are 2 more jaw sections that must have gone in an additional display. A pristine copy can be seen here. The label and map are missing from my display. It sat out in a garage in CA since 1960! 

The cabinet lingered in a shop for months. A second hand furniture store that we try to stop in for a look once a month. When the quarantine started the shop was closed. Payed for it over the phone and the shop even delivered it! A years quest for the right cabinet and it looks like it has always been in the room. 


Lady M said...

Wow - what a beautiful cabinet. The dental mold is such a rarity! Show us more close ups of what the curiosity cabinet contains.

Old Fashion Halloween said...

Lady M,

No close ups of the cabinet of curiosities because most of it is place holder stuff. My back has been giving me trouble since we moved in last year. Finally, unpacking all the little stuff. Bottom shelf will probably be dental and next shelf up will be fortune telling. The top 2 shelves are still undecided.

Meagan Kyla said...

Holy amazing on so many levels! The cabinet is perfect!


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...