This LED light string from Walmart really impressed me. They look more like carnival lights with the round shape and warm color. The purple strands are harder to find. If you can find them.
Three Walmarts in town all with different inventory. Found these tin signs that are a really good buy at $4.88. Great graphics with a little faux distressing as part of the image.
Alrighty then, on to the panic! October arrives on Tuesday and I am so behind with the decorating. The first problem is we moved. I can't find boxes of the Halloween decor or it was moved to a new box not in my memory files.
The second is my back. The great herniated disc debacle of 2017 has returned. Steroid shots, physical therapy, and swearing are keeping me upright. Hence, the panic!
Feeling the pressure as everyone is expecting great things with the new house. Honestly, we are still living out of boxes in 2 rooms. The down side of selling the old furniture and not finding new pieces yet. We are enjoying the hunt at estate sales. On the plus side, we do have nearly all the Funkins carved. The Halloween Tree went up tonight! Fingers and eyeballs crossed the rest of you are on schedule with Halloween preparations.