Thursday, September 22, 2011

Please pretty please help this film project

First I love as a concept to help get projects off the ground. Second I think these folks are doing a good thing and if you think so to please think about helping back this film. If you are local there are some nice perks for making a donation if the project is funded.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

West Elm

A big thanks to Lisa for pointing me to a new shop. West Elm has a small but well chosen Halloween section. The skeleton paper cones are my favorite. I have been remiss in sharing some interesting finds as my phone is refusing to upload images. Need to sort that out soon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Mourning Exhibit

Deepwood Victorian Mourning Exhibit
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

The set up of this little project has been taking up some of my valuable Halloween and Steamcon preparation time. 1894 Queen Anne Victorian mansion Historic Deepwood Estate. Many of the items are from my personal collection. Exhibit runs until November 5th. Two lectures are part of the exhibit. One on decoding cemetery symbols. The second is a high tea featuring a lecture on Victorian mourning customs.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Halloween at Khol's

The skull and crossbones round placemat might be part of my new table design. Long rectangular runner with round placemats for something different.

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.