Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

It looks like cold clear weather during the prime hours for trick or treaters. I hope everyone has a magical Halloween!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023


The foyer. Short video of the Halloween tree lights flickering on.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Witch House

My favorite witch house again this year. Always a delight. Noticed a wheelchair or scooter ramp has been added so the pumpkin arch had to go away. I like the pumpkin stack.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Got the Halloween tree up over the weekend.

Quick film of the new projection running. This projector over heated and died so we repalced it. A filmed walk through will be up after Halloween. Projections from Mr. Chickens's Prop Shop.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I have been quiet and not sharing as much this season. In August Fern was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We didnt know how much time she had left so we chucked schedules and made it all about her. Hubby built a catio for her and her sister Ivy on the back deck for lots of sunshine. We sat outside with her, gave her whatever she wanted to eat, and time stopped when she wanted attention.

Last Thursday the vet came out and helped miss Fern pass at home. All 3 of us have been trying to adjust to a home that feels empty after 13 years of so much joy. Trying to stay busy so the Halloween outside is done and we started running everything nightly on Sunday. We don't add music until Halloween night.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Spooky Decor

A little natural decor near the pumpkins on the side porch.

This shelf runs the length of my office and I was trying to get an image of the collection. Jumped on a ladder to get video panning from left to right. The devil lantern and witch house are from Two Mushrooms and the other lanterns, buckets, and witch are from GrimQuiet.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Hat Box Ghost Craft Class

Next Sunday Michaels is holding this class to make this cute Hat Box Ghost. 2 hour class click the link for available locations.

80 degree temps over the weekend meant a push to get the yard finished by last night. A bit of paint touch up to the cemetery fence and a repair I had forgot about. Tested out a new projection and with a few tweaks I think it might be fun.

Halloween on the brain

The little snake bottle is from DeeDee & Shark a very talented artist making spooky, creepy, and truly unique ceramics. Her in person...