Tuesday, October 17, 2023


I have been quiet and not sharing as much this season. In August Fern was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We didnt know how much time she had left so we chucked schedules and made it all about her. Hubby built a catio for her and her sister Ivy on the back deck for lots of sunshine. We sat outside with her, gave her whatever she wanted to eat, and time stopped when she wanted attention.

Last Thursday the vet came out and helped miss Fern pass at home. All 3 of us have been trying to adjust to a home that feels empty after 13 years of so much joy. Trying to stay busy so the Halloween outside is done and we started running everything nightly on Sunday. We don't add music until Halloween night.


HOLLY HUNT said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. They are such sweet friends

Anonymous said...

I’m so sorry…

Haunted Eve said...

So sorry for your loss. We currently have 3 cats, but have had to deal with the passing of 4 of our prior cats over the years, all of whom made it between the ages from 14 to 19 years. We were happy they all made it into elderly cat territory, but it's never easy to say goodbye.

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.