Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

Yay...its been slow with unpredictable weather and needing to hand pollinate the pumpkin patch. I've got 2 pumpkins about this size (6 inch) and a bunch of baby pumpkins. Fingers crossed we might have a decent group this year. The lower bed way is behind so I'm not sure about that patch.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Skeletal Goodness at Michaels

In the craft section I spied with my little eye these wonderful skeletal items. On the top shelf are resin skeleton hands. Priced at $3.99 each. Next to the hands are plaster eyeballs and fingers! The next shelf down is giant beautiful skulls followed by witch heads all in plaster.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yankee Candle Store Previews

August 4th is the preview for the new Halloween line at most retail stores. There is a $10 Boney Bunch dish available with a purchase of $30 at this event. Considering how fast some of the designs sell out it might be worth attending if you live near a store.

Found at Williams-Sonoma

Love the packaging and who doesn't love sour bats?
Found here.
and amazing bat towels found here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Fern and Ivy

Kitty Kiss
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

The girls turned 2 today!

End cap at Michaels

Still not much out at my store. This gal was on the bottom shelf. The end cap full of Halloween goodness had pink and yellow quilted bags hanging on the sides... Ewwww.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Halloween at Pottery barn kids

Not sure why it took the kids part of Pottery Barn so long to put up their decor but it is finally up on the web site.
The simple lines of this vine bat caught my eye.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Halloween at Pottery Barn

I was keeping my eye on Pottery Barn kids waiting for Halloween stuff. Then I read in Pumpkinrot's blog today that Pottery Barn already has Halloween.
Love the Skull Vases.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

JoAnn Fabric-New Halloween

The label fabric is a new favorite. Not the best photo shot quickly on the fabric aisle. The classic orange and black is a treat. Fall flowers and more harvest themed items were out on display but no Halloween decor today.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bat Sculpture

Bat Sculpture
Originally uploaded by SailStorm

The primitive carved look to this bat caught my eye. Trying to find something that will inspire me flitting around flickr. As the pumpkin leaves cover the bed and ground I though it might be cool to have something sculptural rising out of the patch.

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.