Sunday, August 5, 2018

Martha Stewart Halloween at Michaels

3 set collection of tableware and decorations this year.

My favorite decoration is this set of 3 Deaths-head moths. They are beautiful. The wings move and the gold highlights catch the light. $12.99 for a set of 3. I'll post pics when they are up in the living room.

JoAnn and Michaels have most of their Halloween out now in my town. Michaels is just missing pricing. Went a little photo crazy with both a new phone and camera. Slowly uploading all of it to the 2018 Halloween Album.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Chalkboard Tombstones

Image courtesy of Pottery Barn.

Halloween 2018 is fast approaching and I am having trouble finding motivation this year. We are actively looking for a new house. Found a house, priced out of our budget, with an elementary school at the end of the block! Imagine all the trick or treaters!

Making chalkboard tombstones is on my to do list. Fairly easy to make and the ability to change the sayings is a good idea. Something new for the path to the front porch this year.

35th wedding Anniversary is Coral

Hubby walked in to Lowe's to give me a report on how this bad boy looked in person. We had watched a Vlogger assemble one for his hom...