Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pottery Barn Kids

Halloween is now up at Pottery Barn Kids. There is a matching light string to go with the cat head stakes. Have a back log of stuff to share and finally some time to do it.

Bath and Body Works Halloween Goodies

Thanks to Halloween Addict for the heads up about the ultra cute Halloween products from Bath and Body Works. Spooky hand sanitizer bottles make me happy!

Wiggly body parts

Is it wrong that I want to make a hat with a wiggly hand?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Baby Pumpkin!
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

Finally some little pumpkins are forming on the store bought plants. My pumpkins started from seed need a little more time. We want to have a pumpkin picking party in October. The cucumbers have been growing crazy fast.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Halloween JoAnn Fabric

Our JoAnn fabric moved to a new location. Bigger store with more craft items. Took a look through the new halloween fabric and found some delightful images.

Bold graphics with a great witch.

Beautiful silver spider print.

My favorite is obviously the old fashioned print. The camera phone didn't do this one justice it is covered in a fine orange glitter.
All $9.99 a yard but there are 50% off one yard coupons in the mailer right now.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

4th of July Party 1935
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

Our new neighborhood was surrounded by fireworks last night. We brought chairs out to the front driveway and watched the show. The pumpkins are loving the warm weather. The carefully tended seedlings are now thriving plants. A sneaky cucumber and a yellow squash somehow made it in to the pumpkin patch. Hey...we celebrate diversity! Have a safe and fabulous 4th!


So busy with setting up this year. We got most of the cemetery finsihed today. I managed to walk face first in to a big old web in the dark...