Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Baby Pumpkin!
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

Finally some little pumpkins are forming on the store bought plants. My pumpkins started from seed need a little more time. We want to have a pumpkin picking party in October. The cucumbers have been growing crazy fast.


Archive Librarian said...

Awesome! Nice pumpkin! All our seed pumpkins have tiny little starters on them - can't wait! We planted ghost, Connecticut orange pumpkins (for eating), and super monster size (just the leaves on that one are humongous). The slow drip deep watering really helped on those beds this year - but the frequent thunderstorm rains didn't hurt either. (Can't wait to build a scarecrow for the garden)...

Archive Librarian said...

Awesome! Nice pumpkin! All our seed pumpkins have tiny little starters on them - can't wait! We planted ghost, Connecticut orange pumpkins (for eating), and super monster size (just the leaves on that one are humongous). The slow drip deep watering really helped on those beds this year - but the frequent thunderstorm rains didn't hurt either. (Can't wait to build a scarecrow for the garden)...

Old Fashion Halloween said...

It stayed cool and damp here in Oregon in to summer so the pumpkins had a slow start. One of the store bought plants is a giant something and the leaves are big. Trying autumn wing gourds from seed this year too.

Archive Librarian said...

Oh, jealous, I wanted to do gourds too... but not this year, overdid the pumpkins.. ;-)

Someone mentioned how tough things were all the way up thru Washington. I know a pumpkin farmer up near Seattle who was really discouraged by the slow start summer. Here's to a long dry autumn which I remember as the best time to be in the northwest!

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.