Bold graphics with a great witch.

Beautiful silver spider print.

My favorite is obviously the old fashioned print. The camera phone didn't do this one justice it is covered in a fine orange glitter.
All $9.99 a yard but there are 50% off one yard coupons in the mailer right now.
These are great! Now I'll have to run to our local JoAnn's and see if they have some of these. Thanks!
Loving those Halloween fabrics...if ONLY I could learn to sew! No-sew fabric glue, here I come! :o)
Must. Convince. Husband. I. Need. To. Go. To. Coeur d'Alene. That center fabric looks fabulous.
I just found your blog....loving it! Hello from one Autumn person to another!
Oooh neato--got to go check out JoAnn's--thanks for the heads up!
Number 3 makes me feel all tingly. Thanks for the shopping tip.
I picked up some fine jaquard woven JOL fabric in orange and black squares at Hancock Fabrics this month. I got the end of the bolt...in July! Must act fast these days. I'm glad I thought to look. Halloween does seem to start the end of July. Betty
I always check your site for the best Halloween treats each year. I'm looking forward to a foray into World Market, Pottery Barn (& kids), and Target this year, but not quite yet. Thank you for continuing your passion with us!
You can take the girl out of the Halloween business but you can't take the Halloween out of the girl. Really hope my pumpkin patch starts thriving or it will be a sad pumpkin party this year,
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