Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Catching up

Sorry for another long spell with no entries. We had another passing in the family. Number 3 in 5 months. She was my husbands aunt and we are trying to care for the elderly uncle. While going through paperwork I discovered letters between his aunt's mother and family in Iowa dated 1892-1924 so I took the time to scan 6 of the letters. This letter references her pending wedding in Chicago. The handwriting is lovely so I wanted to share it with my readers.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The shop is closed for a week...

so we can go to our happy place....the haunted mansion at Disneyland. Order shipments will resume on the 10th.

Halloween on the brain

The little snake bottle is from DeeDee & Shark a very talented artist making spooky, creepy, and truly unique ceramics. Her in person...