Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Catching up

Sorry for another long spell with no entries. We had another passing in the family. Number 3 in 5 months. She was my husbands aunt and we are trying to care for the elderly uncle. While going through paperwork I discovered letters between his aunt's mother and family in Iowa dated 1892-1924 so I took the time to scan 6 of the letters. This letter references her pending wedding in Chicago. The handwriting is lovely so I wanted to share it with my readers.

1 comment:

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

That is lovely, thanks for sharing. As much as I love this digital world, I really do miss writing letters. Used to be one of my favorite things to do.

Thanks for sharing. Hope things get better at your end of the world.



New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...