Sunday, September 26, 2021

Aunt Bee's House

The antique mall Aunt Bee's is a few blocks from my house. I try to only walk through it twice a month to cut down on hauling more things home! Fall is the exception with weekly visits. My buddy phil here is well dressed.
$72 for phil, his ensemble, and the chair he sits in! I thought that was a great deal. Resisted the urge to bring him home.
What really caught my eye was the parasol in his lap. A cute idea for an old dilapidated paraol. A paper patch with skeleton image to cover one hole. Cheap little plastic skeletons to hang from the parasol points. A little more distressing with paint and add some lights. Suspend for a spooky floating paraol. This idea might make an appearance on the porch next Halloween. My very first rental home I had old silk paraols suspended pointing out from the wall with a light source behind. Very dreamy romantic look.


Lady M said...

The parasol idea would be very cool and would look great on your porch.

jenclair said...

Love Phil and his parasol!


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...