So, it looks like Blogger went through some changes. Every time I click on a blog from my reading list it redirects me:
" The previous page is sending you to -insert the blogger page URL
If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page."
Have no idea how to fix this problem yet. Requested help on the Blogger forum
Started this entry on Monday! It was a lovely sturgeon moon.
Normally, I would be out photographing all the Halloween
goodies. Sadly, our household is immune compromised. We haven't been in any
store since March! Love that you healthy people will be posting wonderful
photos. On the plus side we are going to save a lot of money on Halloween goodies
this year.
It is a weird mix of having the time to create new exterior Halloween decor and lacking the motivation. We have been working on house projects. The same decor as last year will go up with maybe a different look to the front porch. Sadly, we won't be handing out candy. That does open up the opportunity to decorate the 2 front staircases and cut off access to the porch and front door.