Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pumpkin Lights

Sorry for the gap in posting.

The pumpkins lights were a success. They have 4 LED's with a subtle flicker effect. They looked bright for 2 weeks at 6 hours a night. I changed most of the batteries a few days before Halloween so they would show up in photos. They would have made it 3 weeks only much dimmer.

The down side is they do take 3 AAA batteries. Even with recycling that is a lot of batteries used. I bought them in mega packs of 72 on Amazon. Most of the lights came from Amazon. Tried to pay $4 each only as Halloween got closer the price kept going up. The light pucks come in a solid white case or orange. Both colors are the same lights and the white ones are cheaper at Halloween. They measure 3 3/4 inches. Search for Pumpkin Lights and they come up under multiple sellers on Amazon.

The lights worked well and looked good. Bright light for at least 2 weeks. The pucks are being used year round in candle holders and lanterns. The remote control is the biggest selling point. Turning 20 lights on and off instantly is such a time saver. The lights are not water proof. A ZipLoc bag worked to keep them dry.


Pik-Cor said...

I try and us rechargeable batteries in my battery operated lights. They might not last as long but at least you can reuse them...

Old Fashion Halloween said...


Yes, rechargeable would be ideal and a huge investment. The way the pumpkins were attached made them difficult to change out. The original plan was low voltage lighting that tied in with the our yard lights. The flicker bulbs are $8-$15 a piece! We were having trouble sourcing enough LED lights. So, we need to make a big investment either way. Do you have a brand of rechargeable batteries you prefer and how and long does a charge last with continuous use? Thanks!

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.