Thursday, July 25, 2019

The New Digs

We noticed that every house we looked at, with the exception of 2, did not meet our Halloween decorating needs. A Georgian house had excellent potential only it was at a VERY busy 4 way stop. Then we found a 1902 Queen Anne House.

Our new Halloween project! We bought it in February and started work inside.

That upper window on the east side will have a projection running in it. We need to paint this house sooner than later so that will suck up all the Halloween funds. I really want pumpkins covering the railings on both porches. The plan is to invest in Funkins, over time, so they can sit out the entire month. Haunting the thrift stores now to find used Funkins.

Found this little gem at Goodwill last night. Lights up and was only $4.99. Goodwill is putting out Halloween at the same time as Christmas. At one store this lead to a standoff between the wiseman and the skull.

Peace was restored. Halloween and Christmas are now on opposite sides of the aisle.


The October boy said...

what a beautiful home! I would be so excieted, it has so much potential and it already has the original character. A bit jealous.

Lady M said...

OMG - so jealous. What a perfect haunt! My dream home if I ever saw one!. You are gonna have so much fun with that.

Halloween on the brain

The little snake bottle is from DeeDee & Shark a very talented artist making spooky, creepy, and truly unique ceramics. Her in person...