Friday, September 14, 2018

Target Infinity Bat

My favorite Halloween treat, so far, this year is the Infinity Bat Light at Target. Nice little optical illusion.

Mr. Old Fashion Halloween thinks I am kidding about using it as the Yule tree topper!

Blogspot stopped mailing me comments some time last year. A back log of comments has been posted. My apologies for thinking it was just REALLY quiet out there!

1 comment:

Lady M said...

I am so glad to hear I am not the only blogger who is comment challenged. I deleted all of mine a few weeks back thinking I was cleaning things up. You would probably never do something that thick. Anyhow, I think that neon bat would make an awesome topper.

Halloween on the brain

The little snake bottle is from DeeDee & Shark a very talented artist making spooky, creepy, and truly unique ceramics. Her in person...