Saturday, November 7, 2015

Storing Halloween

70% off Michaels

Trying something new this year for storage. I didn't buy much at the post Halloween sales. It is still hard to remember, when the next Halloween rolls around, what I bought and where it went! This little batch might be part of next years mantel display. Took a photo on the bin lid where this lot is stored. This year the bins get labeled with a number. On flickr, the photo gets the bin number added to it.

Started this process with the fabric and trim in my collection. Next step will be assigning bin numbers to photos. Good project for the winter months.


Lady M said...

Good idea - then as you craft through out the year, you will be able to find your stuff without pulling everything out.

Old Fashion Halloween said...

Lady M,

The plan keeps breaking down as I find one more pumpkin or bat I missed! The new rule is if anything else shows up it stays out all year! I do have crows with Santa hats somewhere.

SeƱor Scary said...

I seriously envy your organization. My usual plan is throw stuff in randomly until the bin bulges and the lid refuses to snap. I then push down on the lid, hear a snap or two and realize Ii've just made more room stuff for next year.

Old Fashion Halloween said...

Scary Jerry,

This is where I admit to sitting on a tub lid to close it and breaking it in half! Snapped the head off a plaster skeleton. This is all the indoor stuff that is more delicate so I am trying to do better. There is never enough space. The scarecrow went under the house this year. It will be interesting to see how it holds up in our damp weather.

Lisa said...

That's a good idea - I just made a list of what all was in a particular tote and taped it onto the lid.


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...