Monday, August 11, 2014

Halloween at JoAnn Fabric

Not much to see at JoAnn yet except a few scarecrows and pumpkins. There was the promise of things to come on the display sheets.


Leslie said...

Those dishes are cute!!! I'm heading to hobby lobby today for some fall shopping. They don't do Halloween decor there tho. : (

Justine’s Halloween said...

I was at Jo-Ann yesterday and I didn't see any of that. I did see a lot of pumpkins and I guess what would be described as "harvest decor". I wonder if Michaels has their Halloween stuff out yet?

Old Fashion Halloween said...

There was a row of scarecrows and pumpkins. The rest was just sheets hanging showing where stuff went and the dishes were on the bottom of an entirely empty shelf. I think this Joann will have it all out by the weekend. Our Michaels is stocked I just haven't been back to shoot more photos of the light up stuff.

Jenn Fisher said...

Looking forward to checking out JoAnn soon--especially the fabric :) Thanks for the update!

Yard Art

Recyled metal artist @2redpenguin on Instagram. Salem Art Fair this weekend. Frankenshovel might have been my favorite.