Monday, August 26, 2013

Crow hand Towel

It was a sad moment when I realized my photo taking devices were not in my bag. Joann has a bunch of Halloween theme hand towels like this crow towel with matching crow placemat. Nice black and white Halloween items as well as great signs. A second trip back to look at fabric is a must so there will be photos eventually.


Mark Faucett said...

Joanne's usually has some pretty unique things although admittedly I feel my manliness dwindling when I walk in there.

Laurie Brown said...

that is so cool! Now I'm trying to figure out a use for it- make a little drawstring purse?

Laura S Reading said...

I was there yesterday and our Joann's did not yet have Halloween items out. Very sad.


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...