Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pumpkin Progress

Pumpkin Bed
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

This is the bed at the top of the hill we built just for the pumpkins. 2 mildew resistant varieties this year. Using the mini soaker hose to keep water off the leaves. I started the seeds indoors and so far they seem to be thriving in this set up. There will be bark dust around the edges on the black weed proof material. Makes it easier to mow around until they spill out of the box.


Mark Faucett said...

Looking forward to seeing some big pumpkins! too hot here for the to grow but I do miss seeing pumpkin patches in the North.

Jenn Fisher said...

Can't wait to see how these turn out :) I wish we could grow them well out here in AZ where we are but it's so hot that mine never seem to take.



New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...