Sunday, May 15, 2011

West Coast Haunters Convention day 2 and 3

West Coast Haunters Convention
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

Running Saturday and Sunday together. Bought an interesting Haunted Travel Guide from Spooks to Spirits. It comes with a CD you listen to while taking the driving tour of a city. She has just the one city right now and plans to add more. The weekend had more things that needed our attention so we were popping in an out of the convention. Nice turn out of vendors for a convention in only its second year. Great line up of classes including the prosthetic makeup class today. We didn't get to do much socializing and need to fix that next year.


ShellHawk said...

Yet another reason I regret not being able to attend-I would have loved to have met you there and shot the breeze!

Glad you got to meet Corey. He is SUCH a rock star!

Old Fashion Halloween said...

As they say there is always next year. We were in an out a lot but felt we really needed to support the local scene.


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...