Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Bazaar

Catrina-Best Costume of the Day!
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

The gal in this photo was my favorite costume of the day. My friend the mask maker had the booth next to me so we got to visit. My niece who is about to finish her last treatment for breast cancer came to help watch my booth. It was wonderful to see her. The Voodoo Doughnut truck parked out front and a handmade chocolate booth was close by. It was a dangerous weekend! It was wonderful to meet customers from the web site! Thank you for stopping by!


Shawn Robare said...

That is a pretty great costume.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I so wish I could have been there!!! -Finishing the yard took all weekend :(

Glad to hear it was fun.



New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...