Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Ladies Home Journal October, 1919

The Ladies Home Journal October, 1919
Originally uploaded by dragonflydesignstudio

This dining room decor photo is used on our web site. Every year customers write to ask how to get this amazing crepe paper tablecloth. Sadly, only with a time machine! Pieces of this Jack-O-Lantern pattern do show up on ebay.


Jenn Fisher said...

Love those old-time decorations. The sky was the limit in paper crafting for sure :)

Amara InSeattle said...

This is a great picture, I have recently begun to buy up vintage recipe and decor books, what a great photo find.

ValJWT said...

When we moved into this house there were old magazines in the basement. The one before me has no cover but it is this issue and this very Hallowe'en photo is one of several on Page 63. It's really a good magazine. There are a few cookie recipes on the pages I might try out...old but good. Val

Anonymous said...

It's just thrilling looking back into Halloween past this way. Fabulous picture. Thank you for recording it here for us to continue to enjoy. Betty


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...