Monday, October 21, 2019

Behind the Scenes

Looking at the back of the left section of carved Funkins.

The shelf is from a Lowe's shelving unit. Zip tied to the porch railing. The Funkins are light so not much weight for the shelf to support. Used all the falling leaves to tuck in-between the Funkins. Remote control lights so I can just walk behind each section and turn off the lights.

All the Funkins have a hole in the bottom for drainage. Hot glued a strip of wood inside the hole. Zip tied or tied with twine over the strip of wood to attach the Funkins to the shelf. Heavy wind and rain last week and everything stayed put!

Right side shelf of Funkins facing carved side out to street.

1 comment:

Justine’s Halloween said...

Good job securing those! If you've been having wind anything like we had today, well I'm sure you're glad you went to all the extra work. I saw all kinds of yard accessories and pots strewn in the street today.


New grave this year. This one is heavy. Storing it for the year I was crawling around on a raised shelf section of the basment trying to...